Michael Jervis - Head of Digital

Michael joined Mattress Online in 2020 when the company was focusing on expanding its Digital Team.
Michael has over 25 years of experience working in website software delivery and has worked with many leading e-commerce brands throughout his career.
His roles and responsibilities include:
- Overseeing everything that happens in the ‘Online’ part of ‘Mattress Online’
- Managing the five sub-teams (Development, Performance Marketing, Product, Content and IT) that make up our Digital Team
“We have a fantastic culture at Mattress Online, with everyone pulling in the same direction. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to manage such a great team. They’re a skilled bunch drawn from across the industry. I’m passionate about letting people run with their talents, and the team I work with are always eager jump on the latest innovation in the sector and see how it can benefit the business.”
Which mattress does Michael sleep on?
"The Millbrook Smooth Tech Luxury 3000 Pocket Mattress, it's lovely! Firm spring unit with a nice deep wool top to make you feel so cosy when you get into bed." - Michael Jervis
Is Michael an early bird or night owl?
"Definitely an early bird, up early every day to get the most out of the day!" - Michael Jervis